Thursday, November 24, 2011

Giving of Thanks

"It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35b

'Tis the season of giving. Beginning with the giving of thanks. How fitting that before we dive into the Christmas season full of hustle and bustle, we stop to reflect on all the blessings we've been given and the goodness of God. It's a time of fellowship with family and friends and enjoyment of good food.
Just think how much sweeter it is when give. Maybe it's a donation to the local Salvation Army. Perhaps it' a donation to the family down the road in need. But maybe, it's giving something that can't be bought. Like giving a smile to someone with a frown, giving an act of kindness to someone whose life right now is rough, or even giving forgiveness to someone who is undeserving. Isn't that what this season is all about? Isn't that what Jesus does for us? We are undeserving of every bit of kindness and love, yet He gives it to us. All because of Love. So this season, let's join together to give before we receive. Then, we will rejoice much sweeter in our blessings!

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Jess, thanks for the reminder to be grateful and give thanks, especially during this busy time. Hope you have a blessed Christmas!

  2. Jess, I am so proud to be your Mom! xoxo

  3. What a wonderful and uplifting blog! I'm so glad your mom shared this .... I will be stopping in periodically to get refreshing tidbits ♥

  4. Thank you all, and Mom, I am glad you are my mom too. :)
