Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Tomorrow Is A New Day--The Honey Bee Paperie

Recently, mom and I were watching the Anne of Green Gable movie with Megan Follows--It never seems to get old.
While watching it, I realized there are so many wonderful quotes to be remembered. 
 One particularly stuck with me and I had to share it. 
 I went perusing through Pinterest to find the exact quote and ran across a beautiful watercolor with the just quote I was looking for.
To purchase this print--check out this lovely Etsy shop--TheHoneyBeePaperie
And while you're there check out her other beautiful watercolors.
--Tomorrow is a new day--with no mistakes in it yet-- 
 What a wonderful thing to remember. Tomorrow is always fresh. Always new. Always another chance to start again. A chance to try again.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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