Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Gift of Giving

Have you ever felt a need to just give to someone? God just keeps laying it on your heart to give maybe a hug, a kind word, or a material gift? Who knows what God is up to, but I am certain that if God asks us to do something, it'll be for good for us and that other person. (Romans 8: 28) I have felt a need to give before, and after I did it, I began to doubt my decision. Then later, a few minutes or sometimes days or even weeks, God shows that indeed, the decision to give was right! Perhaps the gift God lays on our heart to give is the very same thing this person is praying for.

I recently read a story from Campus Crusades for Christ about a taxi driver who felt God was calling him to drive to a certain shady neighborhood. Stepping out in faith, the man went. While in the neighborhood, his car broke down. Now this taxi driver began to question what was on God's mind here. Soon a stranger appeared in another car, asked what the man needed and amazingly enough had just the right part for the car with him. (Isn't that a God moment?) As the kind stranger fixed the man's car, he asked him if he was a Christian, the taxi driver said, "Yes". The stranger then said, "Tonight, God told me to go out. I didn't know where I was headed, but I met you, and I'm sure you have a New Testament." Sure enough the taxi driver did! The stranger wanted a Bible so much, he fixed the taxi in exchange for a Bible. The driver prayed with the stranger and even helped lead him to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. How amazing! God worked through the faithfulness and gifts of these men, and great rewards came from it!

You may not think your gift of kindness will amount to anything much, but just think...what if God wants to use your gift to brighten, encourage, or just make someone smile. Perhaps just as a reminder that God does love them, has not forgotten them, and desires them!
Let's remember God loves a cheerful giver. In everything we give, let's do it with all the joy inside us, for the sake of God's love and Jesus' name!

2 Corinthians 9:7-Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of neccesity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philippians 4:11

For some reason this verse has been coming back to me the past few weeks. I suppose with Fall in the air and all the changes that come with the season, it makes me feel different. It's like I can almost feel a change in the air, but I am just trying to be content with what God brings our way. Trying not to rush things, but let Him work in His own time. For some reason, as humans, I believe that's a hard thing to do! But in whatever God has planned for our lives this season, let's surround our hearts with His word, remember His blessings, and love the people He has brought into our lives!

May Grace be with you all, until next time...